Terms of service

Terms of service

Terms of service

This Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") is the service provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") in the Internet service operated by Fusion Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). (referred to as "."). Those who use this service (hereinafter referred to as "customers") shall use this service in accordance with these Terms.

Article 1 (Customer Qualifications)

  1. Customers may use the Service in accordance with these Terms. However, if the customer purchases products in this service, membership registration is required.

  2. If the Company finds that a customer falls under any of the following reasons, the Company may suspend the customer's use of the Service and suspend payment of deliveries, etc. in response to the customer's application, etc. increase.

    • The customer does not exist

    • When membership is suspended at the time of use, or membership has been cancelled in the past.

    • If there is a false entry, error, or omission in the items to be declared at the time of use

    • If you have failed to make payments to us.

    • When it interferes with the execution of our business or technically

    • In the event of obstructing or interfering with the use of this service by other customers

    • When a minor uses without parental consent

    • When residing outside of Japan

    • has previously violated these Terms and other Company terms;

    • Other cases that the Company deems inappropriate.

Article 2 (Delivery of Deliverables)

  1. Products and other delivery items (hereinafter referred to as "delivery items") shall be delivered only to addresses within Japan. In addition, there are areas where delivery is not possible for some deliveries.

  2. The customer may not change the delivery address of the item to be delivered unless the customer submits a notification in accordance with the method prescribed by the Company.

  3. Items delivered by the Company will be delivered to the customer under the responsibility of the delivery company that has concluded a contract with the Company, with the exception of some areas. Matters related to delivery shall comply with the terms and conditions stipulated by the delivery company.

  4. The customer shall bear the shipping charges for the items to be delivered unless the Company clearly states on the individual page that the Company will bear the shipping charges.

Article 3 (Information provision).

Customers agree that advertisements and banners will be displayed on all content such as websites and e-mails. In addition, the customer shall consent in advance to the provision of information such as product information from the Company by means of e-mail, direct mail, etc.

Article 4 (Intellectual Property Rights)

The copyrights or other intellectual property rights of product photos and other content provided by this service belong to legitimate right holders such as our company and content providers, and customers may reproduce, reprint, or modify these without permission. Other secondary uses are not permitted.

Article 5 (Prohibitions)

In using this service, the customer shall not do the following acts.

  • Acts that violate laws or public order and morals.

  • Acts related to criminal activity.

  • Acts that infringe copyrights, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights contained in this service.

  • Acts that destroy or interfere with the functions of our server or network.

  • Acts of commercially using information obtained from this service.

  • Acts that may interfere with the operation of the Company's services.

  • Acts of unauthorized access or attempts to do so.

  • Acts of collecting or accumulating personal information, etc. related to other customers

  • Impersonating another customer's

  • Act of providing benefits directly or indirectly to antisocial forces in relation to our services

  • Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate

Article 6 (Suspension of Provision of the Service, etc.)

  1. The Company may suspend or suspend the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the Customer if the Company determines that any of the following reasons exist.

    • When performing maintenance inspections or updating the system of this service

    • When it becomes difficult to provide the Service due to force majeure such as an earthquake, lightning strike, fire, power outage, or natural disaster;

    • When a computer or communication line, etc. stops due to an accident

    • In addition, when the Company determines that it is difficult to provide this service

  2. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by the customer or a third party due to suspension or interruption of the provision of this service, regardless of the reason.

Article 7 (Use Restrictions and Cancellation of Registration)

  1. In any of the following cases, the Company may, without prior notice, restrict the use of all or part of the Service by the Customer, or cancel the registration as the Customer. shall be.

    • If you violate any provision of these Terms

    • When it turns out that there is a false fact in the registered items.

    • When the credit card reported by the customer as a means of payment is suspended.

    • When there is a default on payment obligations such as charges.

    • When there is no response for a certain period of time in response to a communication from the Company.

    • When the service is not used for a certain period of time from the last use.

    • In addition, when the Company determines that the use of this service is not appropriate

Article 8 (Warranty Disclaimer and Disclaimer)

  1. The Company shall not be liable for any de facto or legal defects (safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, suitability for a particular purpose, security, etc. defects, errors or bugs, infringement of rights, etc.) in the Service. etc.) is not guaranteed.

  2. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Customer by the Service. However, if the contract (including this agreement) between the Company and the customer regarding this service becomes a consumer contract as stipulated in the Consumer Contract Act, this exemption provision will not apply. Also, the Company shall not be liable for damages arising from special circumstances (for which the Company or the customer has foreseen or foreseen the occurrence of damages) among damages incurred by the customer due to default or tort due to the Company's negligence (excluding gross negligence). We are not responsible for any damages (including cases where you have obtained it).

  3. The Company shall not be held responsible for any transactions, communications, disputes, etc. that arise between the Customer and other Customers or third parties in relation to the Service.

  4. It is your responsibility to ascertain and comply with all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws regarding the receipt, possession, use, and sale of any item purchased from this Site.

  5. When ordering from Lifexp you are responsible for assuring the product can be lawfully imported into your country. Customers are the importers of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the destination country.

Article 9 (Changes to Service Contents, etc.)

The Company may change the contents of the Service or discontinue the provision of the Service without notifying the Customer, and shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Customer as a result.

Article 10 (Changes to Terms of Use)

If we deem it necessary, we may change this agreement at any time without notifying the customer. In addition, if you start using this service after changing this agreement, the customer will be deemed to have agreed to the changed agreement.

Article 11 (Handling of Personal Information)

The Company shall properly handle personal information acquired through the use of this service in accordance with the Company's "Privacy Policy".

Article 12 (Notice or Contact)

Notification or communication between the customer and the Company shall be made by the method specified by the Company. Unless the customer submits a change notification in accordance with the method separately specified by the Company, the Company will consider the currently registered contact information to be valid and will notify or contact the contact information. is considered to have reached.

Article 13 (Prohibition of Transfer of Rights and Obligations)

Customers may not transfer their status under the Service Agreement or their rights or obligations under these Terms to a third party or pledge them as collateral without the Company's prior written consent.

Article 14 (Governing Law/Jurisdiction)

  1. The laws of Japan shall govern the interpretation of these Terms. In addition, regarding this service, the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall be excluded.

  2. In the event of any dispute regarding the Service, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the Company's head office shall be the exclusive agreed jurisdictional court.

LIFEXP seamlessly bridges the world of advanced biotech research with holistic wellness. Founded in 2021, the company stands as a testament to the power of evidence-based science, crafting products that cater to modern health needs with unparalleled precision and efficacy.

LIFEXP seamlessly bridges the world of advanced biotech research with holistic wellness. Founded in 2021, the company stands as a testament to the power of evidence-based science, crafting products that cater to modern health needs with unparalleled precision and efficacy.